The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) is the largest and the most prestigious economic university in Romania. In its 100 years of existence, ASE was the leader of the economic and business higher education and academic research in Romania. In this project, ASE will be involved in WP 3, with the objectives related to: Economic modelling of direct and indirect costs of cancer; Understanding the infodemic that surrounds humanity in the contemporary era; Creating research synergies between the pandemic and cancer prevention; Integrating data for developing digital tools. ASE will lead the works related to T 3.1. Direct costs analysis at the EU and national level, T3.2. Indirect costs analysis at the EU and national level, T3.3. Individual behavior with monetary and non-monetary incentives. Also, ASE will co-lead (together with EUROC) the works related to T3.4. Informational space in times of permacrisis: misinformation, disinformation, and the cancer infodemic.