Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS (FPG) is located in Rome and is one of Italy’s leading hospitals. It provides health services in all clinical and surgical areas and is recognized as a leading oncology hospital, with more than 40,000 services provided annually. It is also a Reference Center in the Lazio Region for many high-complexity diseases, both in children and adults. FPG will participate in the activities of governance and management of the project, and it will play an important role in the mapping and assessment of national policies, legislations, and regulatory frameworks about alcohol, food, and sugar-sweetened beverages. The results will allow to support the creation of personalized communication campaign for ECAC 5th edition in Italy. FPG will participate in the co-creation of a set of recommendations to foster the adoption and implementation of the 5th edition of ECAC and it will support the creation of synergies with other innovative ongoing projects in the field of prevention, such as PROPHET.