Живи лаборатории

Целта на живите лаборатории в проекта 4P-CAN е активното включване на гражданите като водещи реализатори на промяната. Ще бъдат създадени две регионални „Живи лаборатории“(Living-lab) в Румъния, Южна Мунтения и град Пловдив, България, където гражданите ще имат възможност да споделят своите нагласи, възприятия и поведение, свързани с превенцията на рака и здравословния начин на живот.


В рамките на румънската „Жива лаборатория“ (Living-lab) ние ще използваме изследователски подход със смесени методи, като събираме данни от приблизително 200 активно участващи граждани. Чрез количествени анкети и качествени интервюта ще събираме социално-демографска информация, подробности за личните мрежи от социални контакти и медицинско състояние. Ежегодните повтарящи се измервания ще осигурят представа за ефектите на социалните фактори върху здравните навици, като се използват статистически модели за тестване на мрежово ориентирани механизми и мрежови генериращи процеси.


Да разберем и дефинираме ролята на социално-демографските фактори и човешкото поведение върху здравословните навици.
Да оценим нагласите чрез статистически модели за тестване на хипотези за мрежово-ориентирани механизми и мрежови генериращи процеси.
Провеждайте индивидуални интервюта с хора и техните мрежи от социални контакти, за да получим представа за ресурсите, вградени в техните лични социални мрежи и контактни групи оценявайки, до колко има развитие на здравословни навици.
Анализирайки обема от данни, като използваме рамки за статистическо моделиране като ERGM и многостепенен анализ на личностни мрежи, за да визуализираме и обясним въздействието на социалната среда върху здравето и факторите, допринасящи за тяхното възникване.
Извършвайки сравнения между различните диференцирани класове на социални мрежи на взаймодействие, създавайки индивидуални профили и да идентифицирайки общи черти и различия на участващите в проучването граждани.
Използвайки емпирични резултати, за да информираме обективно за разработването на стратегии за първична превенция на рака и да проектирате ефективни комуникационни методи, и добри практики.


Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Plovdiv University

Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Plovdiv University is the department carrying out the planned project activities. It is founded in 2021 as university center in relation with the implementation of the project Bringing the “hidden integration of Europe” in studying and teaching EU: an optimistic account (BRIHIEU), funded by Erasums+ program. The Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence gather the expertise and competences of high-level experts and aims at developing synergies between the various disciplines and resources in European studies, as well as at creating joint transnational activities and structural links with academic institutions in other countries. It aims to boost the research and teaching in the field of EU studies at the “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. As part of the 4P-CAN project the centre will apply new technologies in the measurement of radon gas and will apply the developed 4P-CAN method at a living lad in Plovdiv region of Bulgaria.

Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Plovdiv University

Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Plovdiv University is the department carrying out the planned project activities. It is founded in 2021 as university center in relation with the implementation of the project Bringing the “hidden integration of Europe” in studying and teaching EU: an optimistic account (BRIHIEU), funded by Erasums+ program. The Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence gather the expertise and competences of high-level experts and aims at developing synergies between the various disciplines and resources in European studies, as well as at creating joint transnational activities and structural links with academic institutions in other countries. It aims to boost the research and teaching in the field of EU studies at the “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. As part of the 4P-CAN project the centre will apply new technologies in the measurement of radon gas and will apply the developed 4P-CAN method at a living lad in Plovdiv region of Bulgaria.

National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge

Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA, National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge) is a public organization of the Portuguese Ministry of Health, endowed with scientific, technical, administrative, financial and property of its own. Founded in 1899 as the laboratory of the Portuguese Health System, INSA´s main goal is to contribute to achieving public health gains, fulfilling a triple role as State Laboratory in the Health Sector, National Reference Laboratory and National Health Observatory. As a partner organization of 4P-CAN, INSA will contribute to several tasks in different Work Packages, including, implementation of scoping reviews of polices and legislative initiatives, development of a cross-national survey to assess individual factors on cancer primary prevention, and evidence review of HPV vaccination, among others.

National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge

Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA, National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge) is a public organization of the Portuguese Ministry of Health, endowed with scientific, technical, administrative, financial and property of its own. Founded in 1899 as the laboratory of the Portuguese Health System, INSA´s main goal is to contribute to achieving public health gains, fulfilling a triple role as State Laboratory in the Health Sector, National Reference Laboratory and National Health Observatory. As a partner organization of 4P-CAN, INSA will contribute to several tasks in different Work Packages, including, implementation of scoping reviews of polices and legislative initiatives, development of a cross-national survey to assess individual factors on cancer primary prevention, and evidence review of HPV vaccination, among others.

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) is the largest and the most prestigious economic university in Romania. In its 100 years of existence, ASE was the leader of the economic and business higher education and academic research in Romania. In this project, ASE will be involved in WP 3, with the objectives related to: Economic modelling of direct and indirect costs of cancer; Understanding the infodemic that surrounds humanity in the contemporary era; Creating research synergies between the pandemic and cancer prevention; Integrating data for developing digital tools. ASE will lead the works related to T 3.1. Direct costs analysis at the EU and national level, T3.2. Indirect costs analysis at the EU and national level, T3.3. Individual behavior with monetary and non-monetary incentives. Also, ASE will co-lead (together with EUROC) the works related to T3.4. Informational space in times of permacrisis: misinformation, disinformation, and the cancer infodemic.

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) is the largest and the most prestigious economic university in Romania. In its 100 years of existence, ASE was the leader of the economic and business higher education and academic research in Romania. In this project, ASE will be involved in WP 3, with the objectives related to: Economic modelling of direct and indirect costs of cancer; Understanding the infodemic that surrounds humanity in the contemporary era; Creating research synergies between the pandemic and cancer prevention; Integrating data for developing digital tools. ASE will lead the works related to T 3.1. Direct costs analysis at the EU and national level, T3.2. Indirect costs analysis at the EU and national level, T3.3. Individual behavior with monetary and non-monetary incentives. Also, ASE will co-lead (together with EUROC) the works related to T3.4. Informational space in times of permacrisis: misinformation, disinformation, and the cancer infodemic.

The Centre for Innovation in Medicine

The Centre for Innovation in Medicine (Asociatia Centrul pentru Inovatie in Medicina) is a European research and innovation organisation, funded in 2014 in Bucharest, Romania, with the aim of shortening the time between the emergence of innovations and their application for the benefit of citizens. In recent years, one of his main research directions has been understanding how to engage citizens and the whole of society in personalised prevention strategies. INOMED is the coordinator of the 4P-CAN project and the leader of the work package that aims to create Living-labs for cancer prevention.

The Centre for Innovation in Medicine

The Centre for Innovation in Medicine (Asociatia Centrul pentru Inovatie in Medicina) is a European research and innovation organisation, funded in 2014 in Bucharest, Romania, with the aim of shortening the time between the emergence of innovations and their application for the benefit of citizens. In recent years, one of his main research directions has been understanding how to engage citizens and the whole of society in personalised prevention strategies. INOMED is the coordinator of the 4P-CAN project and the leader of the work package that aims to create Living-labs for cancer prevention.


Целта на българското участие в инциативата и в рамките на $P-CAN е да прилага и следва една методология на обследването заедно с Румъния в процеса на изглраждане и развитие на „Жива лаборатория“ (Living-lab). Той ще включва внимателно подбран панел от около 200 души в Пловдивска област и ще събира лични данни, включително медицинско състояние и лични контактни мрежи на взаймодействие. Лабораторията ще се фокусира върху свързаните със здравето фактори на околната среда, като качеството на въздуха и излагането на радон, използвайки цифрови технологии за динамично измерване на качеството на въздуха и измерване в реално време на нивата на радон. Ще бъде разработена специална методология за подбор на домакинства и работни места въз основа на статистическите данни за рак на белите дробове, а събраните данни за околната среда ще бъдат свързани с нагласите, поведението и моделите в социалните мрежи. Екипът на Пловдивския университет също ще сппомогне румънския екип в изследването на ключови фактори на околната среда, свързани с риска от развитие на онкологични заболявания.


Приложима методологията за мрежов анализ, разработена за румънски модел на изграждане на „Жива лаборатория“ (Living-lab).
Съберайки информирано лични данни от участващите в проучването, включително медицинско състояние, социално-демографски характеристики, лични нагласи и модели на поведение, свързани със здравето на участниците.
Съберирайки и анализирайки предоставени аннонимизирани лични данни и данни за социални контактни мрежи, включително подходящи пряко заинтересувани страни.
Изследвайки въздействието на свързаните със здравето фактори на околната среда, като качеството на въздуха и излагането на радон, използвайки дигитални технологиични решения и собствено проектирани мрежови станции за оценка.
Разработване на методология за избор на домакинства и работни места въз основа на статистически данни за заболяваемост от злокачествени новообразувания на белия дроб/рак на белия дроб и пространствено разпределение – динамичен регистър.
Обединявайки събраните данни за въздействието на околната среда върху здравословното състояние с данни свързани нагласи и модели на поведение в социалните мрежи на взаймодействие.


Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Plovdiv University

Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Plovdiv University is the department carrying out the planned project activities. It is founded in 2021 as university center in relation with the implementation of the project Bringing the “hidden integration of Europe” in studying and teaching EU: an optimistic account (BRIHIEU), funded by Erasums+ program. The Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence gather the expertise and competences of high-level experts and aims at developing synergies between the various disciplines and resources in European studies, as well as at creating joint transnational activities and structural links with academic institutions in other countries. It aims to boost the research and teaching in the field of EU studies at the “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. As part of the 4P-CAN project the centre will apply new technologies in the measurement of radon gas and will apply the developed 4P-CAN method at a living lad in Plovdiv region of Bulgaria.

Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Plovdiv University

Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Plovdiv University is the department carrying out the planned project activities. It is founded in 2021 as university center in relation with the implementation of the project Bringing the “hidden integration of Europe” in studying and teaching EU: an optimistic account (BRIHIEU), funded by Erasums+ program. The Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence gather the expertise and competences of high-level experts and aims at developing synergies between the various disciplines and resources in European studies, as well as at creating joint transnational activities and structural links with academic institutions in other countries. It aims to boost the research and teaching in the field of EU studies at the “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. As part of the 4P-CAN project the centre will apply new technologies in the measurement of radon gas and will apply the developed 4P-CAN method at a living lad in Plovdiv region of Bulgaria.

National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge

Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA, National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge) is a public organization of the Portuguese Ministry of Health, endowed with scientific, technical, administrative, financial and property of its own. Founded in 1899 as the laboratory of the Portuguese Health System, INSA´s main goal is to contribute to achieving public health gains, fulfilling a triple role as State Laboratory in the Health Sector, National Reference Laboratory and National Health Observatory. As a partner organization of 4P-CAN, INSA will contribute to several tasks in different Work Packages, including, implementation of scoping reviews of polices and legislative initiatives, development of a cross-national survey to assess individual factors on cancer primary prevention, and evidence review of HPV vaccination, among others.

National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge

Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA, National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge) is a public organization of the Portuguese Ministry of Health, endowed with scientific, technical, administrative, financial and property of its own. Founded in 1899 as the laboratory of the Portuguese Health System, INSA´s main goal is to contribute to achieving public health gains, fulfilling a triple role as State Laboratory in the Health Sector, National Reference Laboratory and National Health Observatory. As a partner organization of 4P-CAN, INSA will contribute to several tasks in different Work Packages, including, implementation of scoping reviews of polices and legislative initiatives, development of a cross-national survey to assess individual factors on cancer primary prevention, and evidence review of HPV vaccination, among others.

The Centre for Innovation in Medicine

The Centre for Innovation in Medicine (Asociatia Centrul pentru Inovatie in Medicina) is a European research and innovation organisation, funded in 2014 in Bucharest, Romania, with the aim of shortening the time between the emergence of innovations and their application for the benefit of citizens. In recent years, one of his main research directions has been understanding how to engage citizens and the whole of society in personalised prevention strategies. INOMED is the coordinator of the 4P-CAN project and the leader of the work package that aims to create Living-labs for cancer prevention.

The Centre for Innovation in Medicine

The Centre for Innovation in Medicine (Asociatia Centrul pentru Inovatie in Medicina) is a European research and innovation organisation, funded in 2014 in Bucharest, Romania, with the aim of shortening the time between the emergence of innovations and their application for the benefit of citizens. In recent years, one of his main research directions has been understanding how to engage citizens and the whole of society in personalised prevention strategies. INOMED is the coordinator of the 4P-CAN project and the leader of the work package that aims to create Living-labs for cancer prevention.

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