Ecosisteme vii

În cadrul proiectului 4P-CAN, scopul ecosistemelor vii este de a implica activ cetățenii ca agenți ai schimbării. Două ecosisteme vii vor fi dezvoltate în România (județul Argeș) și Bulgaria (Plovdiv). Aici, cetățenii vor avea oportunitatea de a-și împărtăși opiniile, percepțiile și de a oferi informații cu privire la propriile comportamente. Aceste date sunt relevante pentru prevenția cancerului și un stil de viață sănătos.


În ecosistemul viu din România, vom colecta date de la un panel ce cuprinde aproximativ 200 de persoane, folosind metode mixte de cercetare sociologică. Intenționăm să strângem date socio-demografice și de rețele personale, dar și informații cu privire la starea medicală și istoricul medical al participanților la studiu. În fiecare an, vom realiza măsurători sociologice repetate cu privire la efectele factorilor sociali asupra stării de sănătate. Printre altele, vom dezvolta modele statistice pentru a testa mecanisme de contagiune în rețea și pentru a evalua procesele generative de rețea.


Înțelegerea rolului factorilor socio-demografici și al comportamentului uman în obiceiurile de sănătate și stilul de viață al participanților la studiu.
Evaluarea de modele statistice pentru testarea de ipoteze referitoare la mecanisme de contagiune în rețea și la factori generatori de rețele sociale.
Realizarea de interviuri cu participanții la studiu și cu contacte sociale ale acestora, pentru a crește gradul de înțelegere referitor la resursele sociale disponibile în rețelele personale.
Realizarea de analize a datelor empirice folosind soluții de modelare statistică precum ERGM și analiză de rețea multi-nivel pentru a explica impactul rețelelor asupra sănătății și înțelegerea factorilor explicativi ai interacțiunilor sociale.
Realizarea de analize comparative a diferitelor clase de rețele personale pentru a genera profiluri individuale și a identifica asemănări și deosebiri între participanții la studiu.
Utilizarea datelor empirice pentru informa strategiile de prevenție primară și pentru a defini metode de comunicare eficace.


Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Plovdiv University

Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Plovdiv University is the department carrying out the planned project activities. It is founded in 2021 as university center in relation with the implementation of the project Bringing the “hidden integration of Europe” in studying and teaching EU: an optimistic account (BRIHIEU), funded by Erasums+ program. The Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence gather the expertise and competences of high-level experts and aims at developing synergies between the various disciplines and resources in European studies, as well as at creating joint transnational activities and structural links with academic institutions in other countries. It aims to boost the research and teaching in the field of EU studies at the “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. As part of the 4P-CAN project the centre will apply new technologies in the measurement of radon gas and will apply the developed 4P-CAN method at a living lad in Plovdiv region of Bulgaria.

Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Plovdiv University

Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Plovdiv University is the department carrying out the planned project activities. It is founded in 2021 as university center in relation with the implementation of the project Bringing the “hidden integration of Europe” in studying and teaching EU: an optimistic account (BRIHIEU), funded by Erasums+ program. The Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence gather the expertise and competences of high-level experts and aims at developing synergies between the various disciplines and resources in European studies, as well as at creating joint transnational activities and structural links with academic institutions in other countries. It aims to boost the research and teaching in the field of EU studies at the “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. As part of the 4P-CAN project the centre will apply new technologies in the measurement of radon gas and will apply the developed 4P-CAN method at a living lad in Plovdiv region of Bulgaria.

National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge

Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA, National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge) is a public organization of the Portuguese Ministry of Health, endowed with scientific, technical, administrative, financial and property of its own. Founded in 1899 as the laboratory of the Portuguese Health System, INSA´s main goal is to contribute to achieving public health gains, fulfilling a triple role as State Laboratory in the Health Sector, National Reference Laboratory and National Health Observatory. As a partner organization of 4P-CAN, INSA will contribute to several tasks in different Work Packages, including, implementation of scoping reviews of polices and legislative initiatives, development of a cross-national survey to assess individual factors on cancer primary prevention, and evidence review of HPV vaccination, among others.

National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge

Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA, National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge) is a public organization of the Portuguese Ministry of Health, endowed with scientific, technical, administrative, financial and property of its own. Founded in 1899 as the laboratory of the Portuguese Health System, INSA´s main goal is to contribute to achieving public health gains, fulfilling a triple role as State Laboratory in the Health Sector, National Reference Laboratory and National Health Observatory. As a partner organization of 4P-CAN, INSA will contribute to several tasks in different Work Packages, including, implementation of scoping reviews of polices and legislative initiatives, development of a cross-national survey to assess individual factors on cancer primary prevention, and evidence review of HPV vaccination, among others.

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) is the largest and the most prestigious economic university in Romania. In its 100 years of existence, ASE was the leader of the economic and business higher education and academic research in Romania. In this project, ASE will be involved in WP 3, with the objectives related to: Economic modelling of direct and indirect costs of cancer; Understanding the infodemic that surrounds humanity in the contemporary era; Creating research synergies between the pandemic and cancer prevention; Integrating data for developing digital tools. ASE will lead the works related to T 3.1. Direct costs analysis at the EU and national level, T3.2. Indirect costs analysis at the EU and national level, T3.3. Individual behavior with monetary and non-monetary incentives. Also, ASE will co-lead (together with EUROC) the works related to T3.4. Informational space in times of permacrisis: misinformation, disinformation, and the cancer infodemic.

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) is the largest and the most prestigious economic university in Romania. In its 100 years of existence, ASE was the leader of the economic and business higher education and academic research in Romania. In this project, ASE will be involved in WP 3, with the objectives related to: Economic modelling of direct and indirect costs of cancer; Understanding the infodemic that surrounds humanity in the contemporary era; Creating research synergies between the pandemic and cancer prevention; Integrating data for developing digital tools. ASE will lead the works related to T 3.1. Direct costs analysis at the EU and national level, T3.2. Indirect costs analysis at the EU and national level, T3.3. Individual behavior with monetary and non-monetary incentives. Also, ASE will co-lead (together with EUROC) the works related to T3.4. Informational space in times of permacrisis: misinformation, disinformation, and the cancer infodemic.

The Centre for Innovation in Medicine

The Centre for Innovation in Medicine (Asociatia Centrul pentru Inovatie in Medicina) is a European research and innovation organisation, funded in 2014 in Bucharest, Romania, with the aim of shortening the time between the emergence of innovations and their application for the benefit of citizens. In recent years, one of his main research directions has been understanding how to engage citizens and the whole of society in personalised prevention strategies. INOMED is the coordinator of the 4P-CAN project and the leader of the work package that aims to create Living-labs for cancer prevention.

The Centre for Innovation in Medicine

The Centre for Innovation in Medicine (Asociatia Centrul pentru Inovatie in Medicina) is a European research and innovation organisation, funded in 2014 in Bucharest, Romania, with the aim of shortening the time between the emergence of innovations and their application for the benefit of citizens. In recent years, one of his main research directions has been understanding how to engage citizens and the whole of society in personalised prevention strategies. INOMED is the coordinator of the 4P-CAN project and the leader of the work package that aims to create Living-labs for cancer prevention.


În ecosistemul viu din Bulgaria, vom replica metodologia de cercetare dezvoltată în România. În provincia Plovdiv, vom selecta aproximativ 200 de persoane și vom colecta date personale care fac referire, printre altele, la starea de sănătate și rețelele sociale ale acestora. De asemenea, vom avea în vedere asocierea dintre factorii de mediu și sănătatea publică. În mod specific, vom folosi tehnologii digitale pentru măsurarea dinamică a calității aerului și a nivelurilor de radon. Selectarea unităților de observație (gospodării și spații de muncă) se va face pe baza unei metodologii care are în vedere statistici legate de numărul cazurilor de cancer de plămân. Datele de percepție și structurile de rețea socială vor fi corelate cu datele de mediu. Echipa Universității din Plovdiv va asista echipa din România în studiul factorilor de mediu cheie pentru cancer. 


Aplicarea metodologiei de analiză de rețea dezvoltată în ecosistemul viu din România la nivelul unui panel constituit în Bulgaria (Plovdiv).
Culegerea de date sociale care includ starea de sănătate, caracteristici socio-demografice, atitudini și comportamente de sănătate de la nivelul participanților la studiu.
Culegerea de date de rețea personală, incluzând date despre contactele sociale relevante și actorii cheie.
Investigarea impactului factorilor de mediu relevanți pentru sănătate cum ar fi calitatea aerului și expunerea la radon, prin tehnologii digitale și stații de rețea.
Definirea unei metodologii pentru selectarea gospodăriilor și spațiilor de muncă pe baza numărului de cazuri de cancer de plămân și a distribuției spațiale.
Corelarea datelor de mediu și a datelor sociale (atitudini și comportamente cu privire la sănătate, structuri de rețea socială).


Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Plovdiv University

Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Plovdiv University is the department carrying out the planned project activities. It is founded in 2021 as university center in relation with the implementation of the project Bringing the “hidden integration of Europe” in studying and teaching EU: an optimistic account (BRIHIEU), funded by Erasums+ program. The Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence gather the expertise and competences of high-level experts and aims at developing synergies between the various disciplines and resources in European studies, as well as at creating joint transnational activities and structural links with academic institutions in other countries. It aims to boost the research and teaching in the field of EU studies at the “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. As part of the 4P-CAN project the centre will apply new technologies in the measurement of radon gas and will apply the developed 4P-CAN method at a living lad in Plovdiv region of Bulgaria.

Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Plovdiv University

Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at Plovdiv University is the department carrying out the planned project activities. It is founded in 2021 as university center in relation with the implementation of the project Bringing the “hidden integration of Europe” in studying and teaching EU: an optimistic account (BRIHIEU), funded by Erasums+ program. The Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence gather the expertise and competences of high-level experts and aims at developing synergies between the various disciplines and resources in European studies, as well as at creating joint transnational activities and structural links with academic institutions in other countries. It aims to boost the research and teaching in the field of EU studies at the “Paisii Hilendarski” University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. As part of the 4P-CAN project the centre will apply new technologies in the measurement of radon gas and will apply the developed 4P-CAN method at a living lad in Plovdiv region of Bulgaria.

National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge

Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA, National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge) is a public organization of the Portuguese Ministry of Health, endowed with scientific, technical, administrative, financial and property of its own. Founded in 1899 as the laboratory of the Portuguese Health System, INSA´s main goal is to contribute to achieving public health gains, fulfilling a triple role as State Laboratory in the Health Sector, National Reference Laboratory and National Health Observatory. As a partner organization of 4P-CAN, INSA will contribute to several tasks in different Work Packages, including, implementation of scoping reviews of polices and legislative initiatives, development of a cross-national survey to assess individual factors on cancer primary prevention, and evidence review of HPV vaccination, among others.

National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge

Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA, National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge) is a public organization of the Portuguese Ministry of Health, endowed with scientific, technical, administrative, financial and property of its own. Founded in 1899 as the laboratory of the Portuguese Health System, INSA´s main goal is to contribute to achieving public health gains, fulfilling a triple role as State Laboratory in the Health Sector, National Reference Laboratory and National Health Observatory. As a partner organization of 4P-CAN, INSA will contribute to several tasks in different Work Packages, including, implementation of scoping reviews of polices and legislative initiatives, development of a cross-national survey to assess individual factors on cancer primary prevention, and evidence review of HPV vaccination, among others.

The Centre for Innovation in Medicine

The Centre for Innovation in Medicine (Asociatia Centrul pentru Inovatie in Medicina) is a European research and innovation organisation, funded in 2014 in Bucharest, Romania, with the aim of shortening the time between the emergence of innovations and their application for the benefit of citizens. In recent years, one of his main research directions has been understanding how to engage citizens and the whole of society in personalised prevention strategies. INOMED is the coordinator of the 4P-CAN project and the leader of the work package that aims to create Living-labs for cancer prevention.

The Centre for Innovation in Medicine

The Centre for Innovation in Medicine (Asociatia Centrul pentru Inovatie in Medicina) is a European research and innovation organisation, funded in 2014 in Bucharest, Romania, with the aim of shortening the time between the emergence of innovations and their application for the benefit of citizens. In recent years, one of his main research directions has been understanding how to engage citizens and the whole of society in personalised prevention strategies. INOMED is the coordinator of the 4P-CAN project and the leader of the work package that aims to create Living-labs for cancer prevention.

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