Carina Dantas has a degree in Law, she is a PhD candidate on Biomedical Sciences (AI ethics) and is the CEO of SHINE 2Europe.
She is the Chair of the COST Action NET4Age-Friendly, currently gathering over 700 participants from 51 countries, and Director of the SHAFE Foundation – Smart Healthy Age-friendly Environments.
Carina is involved in many cancer-related initiatives, namely:
- WP1 Leader of RadioVal | International Clinical Validation of Radiomics Artificial Intelligence for Breast Cancer Treatment Planning
- Task leader on social innovation and stakeholder engagement in Liveration | Unravelling the impact of radiofrequency in liver surgery
- Co-researcher of EUonQol | Quality of Life in Oncology
- Member of the Portuguese National Cancer Hub – Survivors’ group
- Stakeholder Board Member of JANE Joint Action | EU Networks of Expertise on cancer
- Advisory Board member of 4P-CAN | Personalised cancer primary prevention
- Smartcare project stakeholder | Empowering Cancer Survivors in Europe
She is evaluator/reviewer for the European Commission, Eureka, AAL, EIT Climate and EIT Digital Advisory and manages several international projects such as SIRENE | Social Innovation Responsive Environments NETwork, a HORIZON Europe CSA, where she is the Project Coordinator.